Saturday, February 10, 2007

Richardson for President

The more I listen to Bill Richardson, the more I am leaning toward him as the Democratic choice in 2008. If you want to know what he stands for watch his speech at the DNC Winter Meeting.

But I'm not ready to come out in support of Richardson just yet. He's a politician and I don't trust any of them. The Free New Mexican has a file on everything Richardson and I plan to seek honest criticism of Richarson's record as well as the positive.

I would love to see the 2008 campaign won by a candidate who didn't run negative ads and stood for something besides getting elected. I'd like to give voters the benefit of the doubt and believe that they will elect the best person for the job instead of the candidate who can buy the most TV time, but if the negative ads didn't work, they wouldn't be spending so much time accumulating campaign money. Check out the money candidates are expected to spend in this Washington Post Article.

I had some optimism last year as more voters actually seemed to pay attention to the issues instead of the hype and spin, but we still have a long way to go. Here are some of my favorite political web sites, places I go when I am trying to sift the facts from the spin dust.
C-Span Road to the WhiteHouse
Fact Check

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