Thursday, July 19, 2007

Voice from Cleveland

After reading Dick Feagler's latest column, "There's nothing to gain in Iraq, or here at home, by fighting this war" I just have to express my appreciation for his honest and straight forward presentation of the truth as he sees it. I don't think he is that well known outside of the Cleveland area. That is too bad because I think his is a voice that speaks for the average guy on the street in many places besides Cleveland. So in keeping with my goal on this blog to, "amplify the voice of others who need to be heard". I am humbly recommending the columns of Dick Feagler published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer to those of you who haven't been listening to this voice from Cleveland.


Comrade Kevin said...

I was in grad school during the 2004 election, which in retrospect boiled down to a referendum on the Iraq War.

I was taking a class which brilliantly drew parallels between Iraq, Vietnam, and the Civil War. Through the prescience of a scholar named C. Vann Woodward, I saw what was going to occur in Iraq.

He wrote a brilliant treatise about the danger of preemptive war that has all now come horribly true.

May we never repeat the same mistake.

Cee Jay said...

Hi Kevin,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comment. There were many people who could see the disaster awaiting us if we took our army into Iraq. Even the president's father had the good sense to stay out. Unfortunately, G.W. wasn't listening to history, and I honestly believe many in Congress thought he was never going to do it, just making a threat to back Saddam down. My fear is that he will take us into Iran next.

Anonymous said...

My fear is that the Iranians will acquire nuclear weapons and use them against us.

Cee Jay said...

Thanks for your visit and your comment. I am also concerned about someone using nuclear weapons against us, but I am more concerned about governments that are unstable and social order breaking down at all levels than than I am about countries that have stable governments even if the people ruling them are not the most democratic or favorable to us and our allies.

Stable governments have something to lose by a nuclear attack. I am more worried about Pakistan having nuclear weapons and the instability that seems to be increasing in that country than I am about Iran getting them.

All governments must see that if terrorists get weapons of mass destruction their own power is threatened. Diplomacy is the best hope for protection against terrorists for all governments, not just the ones we like. Terrorism is an attack against all of humanity and civilized society, not just a particular ideology, government or economic system. The only thing that has kept people from using nuclear weapons so far has been deterrence- If you attack us with them we attack you back and we both lose. This breaks down when a country does not know where the attack came from. Our enemies with stable governments need to understand that their own power would be threatened if terrorists get nukes.