Friday, February 01, 2008

Hope Renewed by the Democratic Debate

I have to admit I've grown pretty pessimistic during the Bush presidency. I didn't start out that way. I was actually ready to give him a chance when he won (?) the election. I mean, how bad could it get? Even Republicans love this country, don't they? What has happened in American politics during this president's administration was beyond my worst nightmare, and I can conjure up some pretty nasty dreams when I am in a pessimistic mood.

Nothing in this presidential primary gave me cause to change my mood until last night's Democratic debate. Unlike their front running Republican counterparts, both Obama and Clinton handled themselves with the class I expect from someone who is campaigning to be our president. For more of my view of the debate and to join the discussion, visit the Cosmic Message. The debate didn't exactly make an optimist out of me, but I did find some hope.


Comrade Kevin said...

I ganked your Obama pic for my blog, Cee Jay! I hope you don't mind. :-)

There is certainly a renewed hope in all of our minds that a Democratic presidency is what we need to make the change we deserve.

The deliberately convivial tone of both candidates last night was refreshing and probably deliberate, too.

Unity is a tough balance to strike. With the race still undecided, partisan loyalties to candidate supersede party but I don't think any of us would disagree that our fundamental principles are far better represented by the Democrats rather than the GOP.

Tough road to hoe, for sure. Take the high ground and be criticized for not being willing to fight. Be willing to fight and be criticized for not being diplomatic. Be diplomatic and be criticized for not being realistic enough. Be realistic and be criticized for being cynical. Be cynical and...on and on and on.

Cee Jay said...

Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your comments, Kevin. You certainly have it right. No matter how they play the political game, they will be criticized. Kind of like Bob Dylan's song. "Everybody must get stoned." Did you see CNN interview with Michelle Obama? She was candid about her hesitancy to enter into this mess with her husband, but I had to believe that she is doing it for our country and our future generations including their two daughters. She would make a great first lady!

Mike C. said...

The democratic debate definitely was a refreshing change. Hopefully it will continue throughout the rest of the primary season.