Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick and Pigs

I don't fault Senator Obama for slamming McCain for trying to pass off Bush's failed policies as change. My only problem with it was his use of the cliche. I'm tired of all the cliches thrown around by the politicians. If they are going to throw around insults, they should at least be original.
So let's help them out. - How about -It's like dressing a snake in a robe but it still slithers. Not so good?- give it your best shot. How about some of the other cliches thrown around this campaign season?


The Eclectic Cleric said...

And here, I always thought it was "lipstick on roadkill." I guess that's just one of those odd cultural idioms I picked up from Out West...

Cee Jay said...

roadkill- not bad. Pigs are actually kinda cute without the lipstick-roadkill-not

Comrade Kevin said...

How about "as inclined to lie as a Republican in search of elective office"?

Cee Jay said...

Kevin, yes, that is all they seem to be able to do, isn't it? No issues just fabrications, distortions, and innuendos. Sad