Sunday, September 07, 2008

Back to the issues - PLEASE!

I am so sick of all the coverage that involves the personal lives of the candidates for President and Vice President. I'm sick of the news media looking for scandal and trying to guess at how our gender, race, ethnicity, religion, region of the country, age, marital status, previous voting behavior, etc. will influence our votes. I'm sick of the campaign ads that say little more than my opponent is _______________ and I love American and will work for you so vote for me. Think of all the worthless media time that is spent in this. This democracy needs something besides red meat (sarcastic slams) and whipped cream (junk food for the brain) from the mass media if it is going to be healthy.

You have to get up pretty early in the morning and look hard for a balanced diet to help you with the difficult task of voting in this election. This morning, I happened to be awake at 6AM and caught an AARP forum on C-Span that included statements by both candidates on health care and social security. After each candidate spoke, they answered questions- intelligent questions. Interesting that the major channels have seen fit to give us hours and hours of garbage, covered Rick Warren's forum on faith and politics in prime time but can't find time to show this when most of us are awake. If you want to see the video click here for Obama and here for McCain.
The links to the video are not actually working as I write this, but they may be up later.

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